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What do BoilerSaver™ products do? What types of boilers and machines are they for?

If you own or operate a steam machine, or for that matter, anything that heats or cools water for heat transfer, BoilerSaver™ has the knowledge, training and supplies to help perform the job better. The industrial world, including power generation and marine propulsion, has many suppliers for their water treatment and boiler chemistry needs.

The recreational steam hobbies, tourist railroads, steam traction, stationary, marine, automobiles, scale live steam models, and park railways, now have a source of knowledge, training, and supply for their boiler preservation needs. That source is BoilerSaver™.

How did BoilerSaver get started?

I was a steam hobbyist at a young age. My grandfathers worked with steam — one on the Pennsylvania Railroad, the other at Mississippi Glass near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I had Lionel Trains and Erector Sets as a kid. When I was about 10, I learned to fire a case traction engine that belonged to a neighbor. After getting the steam hook set at Williams Grove, Pennsylvania, I joined the U.S. Navy and worked with nuclear submarines. You might say Uncle Sam taught me steam and boiler chemistry and physics. After years in the power generation industry, I realized the best thing I could offer the hobby was my training in boiler preservation. BoilerSaver™ is the means to do that.

Train on Track Steam Car Erie Shovel Live Steamer Roller Stanley